Monday 9 June 2008

Here is the garden from the weekend. We dug up some of the garlic for garlic greens. My wife stir fried them with Chinese sausage. They were great. The rest we used in with the fried rice. Fresh food from the garden is what it is all about.

The first truss of flowers on early girl is about to open its first flower.

Here is the early girl. It's about a foot tall now and looking strong.

The zukes have some male flowers starting to form. The zukes are really starting to take off.

This is sugar snack. It is one of the cherry tomatoes I decided to try this year and it is the first one to have flowers. These are super sweet apparently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your garden looks niiiiiiiiiiiiice
and the fence looks gorgeous
can't wait to see your harvest pics