Wednesday 21 May 2008

Here is the Zucchini I planted yesterday. My daughter has already plucked the first true leaf off. The cultivar is zucchini dark green. I got the seeds from the OSC seeds catalouge (Ontario Seed Company). This is a compact variety that is very prolific. This cultivar takes 50 days from transplanting to mature. Stay tuned to see how close we come to that prediction.

This is an early girl transplant. It was about a foot and a half tall. I plucked off all the lower leaves and planted it very deep. In the whole I put about 2 shovels of composted sheep manure, 1/4 cup of bone meal and a half a cup of dolomite lime. After I filled in the whole I watered with a starter solution 10-52-10. It was 5ml of the solution to about 2 liters of water. This variety is prized for its early harvest. The seed packet says it takes 52 days to reach maturity. I say another blogger say their early girl took 40 days to go from flower to fruit. I can't wait to see my results.

Here is another shot to help remind me of where the early girl is planted.

Here are the other transplants that I bought. They will go in the garden over the next few weeks. I got the seedlings at the Bradford Greenhouses in Barrie

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